

Religious tourism


Agia Kyriaki Tolo
Attractions - Tolo

The picturesque church of Agia Kyriaki in Tolo is built on a beautiful spot on the hill. The distance from the center of Tolo is just 5 minutes. It has a magnificent view, literally breathtaking, of the bay of Tolo, ...


Agios Konstantin and St. Eleni
Attractions - Tolo

The holy temple St. Konstantin and St. Eleni is the central and largest church in Tolo. The parish operates every Sunday morning and for all celebrations of the Christian Orthodox church as well as weddings, baptisms and funerals. The temple was ...


Agios Nikolaos
Attractions - Tolo

The holy temple Ag.Nikolaos is the cemetery of Toloand it is located in Anapafseos Street. It is a small church that operates only in the name day of the patron saint as well as memorial services and other functions of ...


Celebration Of The 12 Apostles In Tolo
News - Tolo

On June 30, the Orthodox Church celebrates the synaxis of the twelve Apostles which were originally elected by the Lord. In Tolo the ceremony takes place in the picturesque church that is on the top of Koronisi Island. Believers are transferred ...


Daskalio - little church of Zoodochou Pigi
Attractions - Tolo

Daskalio- the little church of Zoodochou Pigi (Life Giving Spring): It is a small church dating back from the year 1688 and is located on “Daskalio”, a tiny island hidden behind the island Romvi. It is said that during the ...


Attractions - Tolo

Koronisi: It is the third little island opposite the port of Tolo. On the island, there is a chapel of “Agioi Apostoloi” (Holy Apostles), where weddings and baptisms are carried out for the romantic ones.


Monastère de la Transfiguration du Sauveur à Tselo, Asini
Attractions - Tolo

Le Monastère de la Transfiguration du Sauveurestsitué dans un lieu désertique, à 3 km environ du village de Tselo( actuel. Sainte Paraskevi) et au sud-ouestd'Asini, avec vue sur la baie de Karathona. Le monastèreofficiaitjusqu'en 1834. Sa petite égliseappartient au type architectural ...


Wedding in Tolo
Attractions - Tolo

Bienvenue à Tolo - votre destination de mariage de rêve en Grèce.

Avez-vous déjà envisagé de vous marier en Grèce ...? Au lieu d'aller au mariage grec de renommée mondiale à Santorin, osez choisir l'approche individuelle de votre événement privé, faites ...


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