




Culture & Art


Ancient Theatre of Asklepieio in Epidaurus
Attractions - Ligourio

The Ancient Theatre of Asklepieio in Epidaurus: Due to its great acoustics, architectural perfection, and unrivalled harmony with the natural environment, it has been characterized the greatest and biggest stone resonator of the world, seating up to 14.000 people. The ...


Archaeological Museum of Asklepieio of Epidaurus
Attractions - Ligourio

Archaeological Museum of Asklepieio of Epidaurus: Situated in the archaeological site of Asklepieio, it was constructed in the early 20th century to shelter the restored monuments of the Asklepieio and the findings of the excavations in the area. A great ...


Asklepieio of Epidaurus
Attractions - Ligourio

The Asklepieio of Epidaurus: There were two sanctuaries under the same name, where two healer gods were worshiped at the same time: Apollo Maleatas in the oldest one (on Kynortion Mountain) and Asklepios in the most recent one in the ...


Asklipio Epidaurus: Where were miracles..
Éditoriaux - Ligourio

Speech by Professor Vassilios Lambrinoudakis Concert Hall

The Ithmoniki from Pellini slept in the sanctuary of Asclepius asking God to become pregnant. Asclepius told her, that she will fulfill her desire, she thanked him and leaving was indeed pregnant.

Someone had stomach ...


Kazarma bridge
Attractions - Ligourio

The Kazarma bridge: It dominates the area of Arkadiko. A monumental construction, typical of the Mycenaean era, it was built with large rough limestones, in the characteristic Mycenaean (cyclopean) way, with no binding material. This megalithic bridge stands on top ...


Ligourio “Pyramid”
Attractions - Ligourio

The “Ligourio Pyramid”: A small fortification, known as “the Ligourio Pyramid”, is situated on the foot of Arachnaion Mountain, to the northwest of the village, on the Argos-Epidaurus road to the left, 200 metres from the church of Agia Marina. ...


Temple of Asklepios
Attractions - Ligourio

The Temple of Asklepios: The temple in the plain is the largest and most widely known one. Ancient medicine was born there and was practiced at first in a religious way to evolve gradually into a true healing method. There ...


The Asklepieio Natural History Museum
Attractions - Ligourio

The Asklepieio Natural History Museum: The Natural History Museum of Kotsiomitis is located in Ligourio, Argolida, 5 km from the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus. It exhibits 6.000 articles, out of the 22.000 articles it possesses, mostly minerals and fossils. An ...


The Greatest Theatre
Vidéo - Ligourio

The Ancient Greeks built an acoustically perfect theatre in Epidaurus that is still used to this day, over two thousand years later.


The Temple of Apollo Maleatas
Attractions - Ligourio

The Temple of Apollo Maleatas: In the 2nd millennium BC, on the Kynortion Mountain, behind the theatre, a grand Mycenaean temple was constructed, comprising an open-air altar and an open-air space for ritual dinners. It was dedicated to Apollo Maleatas, ...


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