La deuxième place - parmi 49 pays - estdétenuepar la Grèce dans les récompensescôtières et marinas, commeannoncé par la Société hellénique pour la protection de la nature, opérateur national du programme international du drapeau bleu. Plus précisément, la Grèceoccupe la 2e ...
On Sunday the 20th of January 2019, in Hotel John & George, with the presence of almost all the members of Tolo Tourism Association, was held the celebration of the New Year cake. Present at the event were Argolis’s region MPs ...
The first Cooking Contest was successfully held in collaboration with Tourism Association of Toloand8cookinghatson Tuesday 12/04/2016. The competition involved 8 cooks who had to prepare at least 2 different dishes. The three-member jury comprised Ms. Kalaschnikow, Ms. Bikaki and Mr. ...
We are pleased to announce that the Byzantine Museum Argolidas will open its doors to the public Thursday, March 9, 2017. The Byzantine Museum Argolida occupies a historic landmark complex Argos, known as "Kapodistrias Barracks" which occupies a wide area in ...
Dear friends of Tolo,
2020 was a tough year for all the people! Social distancing rules have made it difficult for everybody to do the things they love.
For us here in Tolo, it was even more difficult because we didn't have ...
On June 30, the Orthodox Church celebrates the synaxis of the twelve Apostles which were originally elected by the Lord. In Tolo the ceremony takes place in the picturesque church that is on the top of Koronisi Island. Believers are transferred ...
When Zeus fell in love with Io:
-Now Is genia- iron anymore, laments the era of (Z century BC) that Hesiod, as well as any old should, lamented the plight of young people. And people counting five genera (gold, silver, ...
Peloponnese has been announced the best travel destination for 2016 according to the top travel guide, Lonely Planet. Not unfairly. One can hardly come across a land that combines as much as the Peloponnese has to offer. Some of the most ...
The ability to discover the Peloponnese will have visitors of the National Geographic Store in London where he performed event titled - The Peloponnese in the Heart of London - from 17 to 24 February .
- It is an amazing ...